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Enterprise Agrees to Settle Class Action Overtime Lawsuit

Enterprise Agrees to Settle Class Action Overtime Lawsuit

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In 2010, a group of former employees filed a class action lawsuit against Enterprise Holdings (which owns EnterpriseAlamo, and National car rental companies) for alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and Missouri law due to Enterprise’s alleged failure to pay for work performed “off-the-clock.” Recently, Enterprise agreed to settle the class action lawsuit.

The suit, which was certified as a class action in 2011, encompasses unpaid wage claims brought by, or on behalf of, approximately 3,100 current and former Enterprise call center representatives. The employees allege that they performed work outside of their work shifts for which they were not compensated. The uncompensated, off-the-clock work allegedly included booting up computers and loading computer applications in order to prepare to take phone calls by the beginning of their shifts, as well as closing computer applications and powering down computers at the end of their shifts. According to a Fact Sheet issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, a call center failing to pay for off-the-clock work is a common wage violation committed by call centers across the country.

According to documents filed with the Court, the parties in the Enterprise lawsuit have agreed to settle the case. The Court held a hearing with respect to reviewing the terms of the settlement, and the Court is expected to issue a final order with respect to whether the agreed-upon terms are approved by the Court. The actual terms of the settlement, including the total amount that Enterprise will pay to the class members, are not publicly available.

If you work at a call center or other place of employment where you are allowed or required to engage in work “off-the-clock,” or if you believe your wage rights are otherwise being violated, you should contact a Missouri overtime lawyer.

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