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Take Me Out to the Ballgame, But Don’t Pay Me Overtime? NY Mets’ Security Guards Sue for Unpaid Wages

Take Me Out to the Ballgame, But Don’t Pay Me Overtime? NY Mets’ Security Guards Sue for Unpaid Wages

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Earlier this month, two security guards employed by Sterling Mets, L.P., the owners/operators of Shea Stadium/Citi Field, filed a lawsuit alleging violations of federal and state overtime laws.

According to allegations in the lawsuit, the security guards often worked over forty hours a week but, in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, did not receive overtime compensation. (The Fair Labor Standards Act, a federal law, requires that most employees be paid one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over forty in a week.) Further, Sterling Mets, L.P. allegedly violated New York overtime law by not paying the security guards one hour of additional pay for days when they worked more than ten hours.

The two security guards are seeking class certification from the Court so that they can sue on behalf of themselves and the other security guards employed by Sterling Mets, L.P. As has been noted elsewhere on this blog, the threat of losing a class action lawsuit can put pressure on employers and persuade them to settle disputes with employees who they have inappropriately compensated.

If you are an employee who is not receiving proper overtime pay, or if you want to better understand your rights, you should consult a St. Louis overtime attorney.

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